Eiger SICAV p.l.c.
259 St. Paul Street
VLT 1213 Valletta, Malta
Eiger SICAV p.l.c.
259 St. Paul Street
VLT 1213 Valletta, Malta
This Disclaimer is addressed to you whether you access this site for yourself or for somebody else. You must agree to the terms and conditions set forth below for your own behalf and for all others, on whose behalf you access the Eiger website and acquire information about Eiger SICAV p.l.c. (“the Fund”).
No Warranty Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information herein, but it may be based on outdated figures or subject to errors. Furthermore, you must acknowledge that past performance is not indicative of future performance. The price of fund units can go down as well as up and may be affected by changes in rates of exchange. An investor may not get back the amount invested.
Investments in the Fund may involve significant risks. Whilst it is the intention of the Manager to implement strategies which are designed to minimise potential losses, there can be no assurance that these strategies will be successful. It is possible that an investor may lose a substantial proportion or all of its investment in the Fund. As a result, each investor should carefully consider whether it can afford to bear the risks of investing in the Fund.
No Offer or Solicitation The information contained and referenced on this website should not be regarded as an offer, solicitation or recommendation for any investments, investment funds or products in any jurisdiction where such activity is unlawful. This website is not directed at you, if we are prohibited by any law of any jurisdiction from making the information on this site available to you and is not intended for any use which would be contrary to local law or regulation.
No action has been taken to permit the distribution of the Fund in any jurisdiction where action would be required for such purpose. Accordingly, no person receiving a copy of the Fund’s Prospectus and/or an Application Form in any territory may treat it as constituting an invitation to him to purchase or subscribe for Shares nor should he in any event use such an Application Form unless in the relevant territory such an invitation could lawfully be used without compliance with any registration or other legal requirement.
The Shares of the Fund have not been nor will they be registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the “1933 Act”) or under any State securities law and, except with the specific consent of the Board, may not be offered or sold directly or indirectly, in the United States of America, its territories or possessions or any area subject to its jurisdiction or to any U.S. Person. In addition the Fund will not be registered under the United States Investment Company Act of 1940 (the “1940 Act”), as amended and the investors will not be entitled to the benefits of the 1940 Act.
The Scheme is licenced by the Malta Financial Services Authority to carry out the activities of a publicly available umbrella collective investment scheme pursuant to Section 6 of the Investment Services Act, 1994 in respect of its sub-fund. The Scheme qualifies as a ‘Maltese UCITS’ pursuant to the Investment Services Act (Marketing of UCITS) Regulations, 2011 which transpose Directive 2009/65/EC on the coordination of laws, regulations and administrative provisions relating to undertakings for collective investment in transferable securities (UCITS).
No broker, dealer, salesman or other person has been authorised by the Fund, its Directors, or any of the appointed functionaries to issue any advertisement or to give any information or to make any representations in connection with the offering or sale of Shares other than those contained on this website and in the documents referred to herein and / or authorized by the Directors. In connection with any offer hereby made, and if given or made, such information or representations must not be relied upon as having been authorised by the Company, its Directors, or any of the appointed functionaries.
No Tax or Legal Advice Potential subscribers of Shares should inform themselves as to (a) the possible tax consequences, (b) the legal requirements and (c) any foreign exchange restrictions or exchange control requirements which they might encounter under the laws of the countries of their citizenship, residence, incorporation or domicile and which might be relevant to the subscription, holding, or disposal of Shares in the Fund.
It is the responsibility of any persons in possession of the Prospectus and any persons wishing to apply for Shares, for their own purposes or on behalf of others, to inform themselves of, and to observe and comply with, all applicable laws and regulations of any relevant jurisdiction. Prospective applicants for Shares should inform themselves as to the legal requirements of so applying and any applicable exchange control requirements and taxes in the countries of their nationality, residence or domicile.
Prospectus A copy of the Prospectus has been lodged with the Registrar of Companies in Malta, in accordance with the requirements of the Prospectus of Collective Investment Schemes Regulations. Applications for the purchase of Shares are accepted only on the basis of the current Prospectus.
Any person relying on the information contained in the Prospectus, which was current at the date shown, should check with the Company that this document is the most current version, and that no revisions or additions have been made nor corrections published to the information contained in the Prospectus since the date shown.
Statements made in the Prospectus, except where otherwise stated, are based on the law and practice currently in force in Malta and are subject to changes therein. Unless otherwise indicated specifically, investment in the Company should be regarded as a long-term investment. Your attention is drawn to the section headed “Risk Factors” of this Offering Documentation.
Any investments in the fund should be based on the full details contained in the Fund’s Offering Supplement Prospectus and Key Investor Information Document which may be downloaded from the Eiger website. Funds regulated under UCITS must abide by onerous investment restrictions.
In order to proceed and access more information you must confirm that you have read, fully understood and accept the terms as defined above by clicking the “AGREE” button below.